
Five Tips to Avoid a Car / Deer Accident or Collision

According to, there are approximately 1.5 million automobile accidents each year that involve a motor vehicle and a deer. Of those, there are about 150 fatalities and 10,000 injuries. Driving home from a family outing a couple of nights ago resulted in a near-miss with a deer in the road. There were four deer crossing the road that night. After slamming on the breaks and pumping them for better traction, my truck came to a stop only inches from the deer. The weight of the trailer behind the truck seemed as though it was pushing towards an inevitable accident that luckily was avoided. 

Was it just luck that night? It may have been, but having lived in an area where deer migrate each fall and spring has taught some valuable lessons. I’ve been lucky as described on numerous occasions. I have not had a collision with a deer yet. I like to think it is due to some things that I do while driving. On your side, you should also get yourself insured if you are travel to areas that have a high population of deers. Moreover, getting yourself and your vehicle insured will help you in minimizing the damage financially. In order to choose the best insurance policy for yourself, you can consult with baltimore personal injury lawyer that is there to guide you. 

Here are some tips for avoiding a car vs. deer collision or accident.

Avoiding Car / Deer Accident Tip #1

One very important factor in avoiding an accident between a car and a deer is to know when you are driving in an area that is occupied by deer. This knowledge is key to implementing the other tips that will be mentioned. Once a deer is spotted whether it is dead on the side of the road or living, take note. You are in deer habitat and there will be others nearby. This is especially true of mountainous and rural areas, although there is plenty of urban deer also. If you see deer by a road that you travel often be sure to remember the road so that whenever driving on it you can use the driving tips in this article. I have seen deer in the area of my near miss on several occasions and was actively searching for deer while driving.

Avoiding Car / Deer Accident Tip #2

This tip for avoiding a collision with a deer is a “no-brainer”. When you are driving in an area known to be a habitat for deer, slow down: especially when driving at night. Deer are extremely difficult to see at night. If driving too fast, there will not be time to slow the car down once a deer is spotted.

Avoiding Car / Deer Accident Tip #3

Because deer are so difficult to see at night, train your mind to look for things that don’t necessarily match the definition your mind has for the shape of a deer. The eyes of a deer will reflect the light from a car’s headlights. Roads will often have reflective markers that from a distance can look like the eyes of a deer at night. You will need to pay close attention to determine if the reflection is a road marker or a deer. The road markers will be uniformly spaced. Watch for a reflection that seems out of place. Another thing to watch for is any illuminated patch of the deer. At times it will appear as though you’ve seen a ghost floating in the air just above the ground. This has been the case when I have seen moving deer that happen to catch a few rays from my headlamps.

Avoiding Car / Deer Accident Tip #4

Many deer that are hit in a car/deer collision is running across the road. It is rare that a deer will be just standing in the middle of the road directly in front of a vehicle’s headlights. There is no feed or shelter on a paved road. They will typically be moving from one side over to the other. While driving scan the sides of the road for movement. At night, drive with headlights turned to bright. This will illuminate the sides of the highway more than normal headlights. If any movement is noticed slow down immediately. Even if you are not sure that something moved. You feel a lot better having slowed for nothing, than wishing you would have hit the brakes but didn’t. I have avoided many deer accidents by noticing movement at the side of the road and slowing to a near stop. Most of the time, you won’t realize that the movement is from a deer until you drive up and pass right next to it. Remember to turn your brights off for oncoming traffic.

Avoiding Car / Deer Accident Tip #5

Pay extra close attention when driving during the early spring, and late fall. These are the times of the year when deer are migrating to and from their Winter/Summer habitat. In the early Spring, deer seem to be attracted to the road side. This may be due to the salt form snow removal efforts. The salt melts the snow near the edge of the road first. It allows the new spring grasses to grow near the road side. Deer love these new grasses and also like the salt itself. I hope these tips will help you avoid an accident between your car and a deer.


Tween Party Ideas

When your child is a tween and passes the age of having cartoon themed parties but is still young enough to have a theme you might have a problem with choosing a theme. Tween parties are very popular for birthdays, back to school, and summer event. There are many different themes that you can use for a tween party.

  1. Makeup Party

This is a great idea if you have a daughter that is just beginning to wear makeup or will be wearing make up soon. You can do it yourself or you can always contact someone that sells make up such as Mary Kay or Avon. These ladies will generally do a party for you in hopes of selling products and can show the girls how to apply makeup and other tips that they know. If you don’t want someone to come in to do this you can go to a discount store and buy makeup pretty cheap. Don’t be afraid to buy colors that people don’t normally wear on a regular basis. Encourage the girls to experiment and have fun with the different colors. If you want to do party favors, you can give each girl a makeup bag to take home and maybe have some makeup in the bag. Be sure to let other mothers know what type of party is will be in case they have objections to their daughter participating. For a free printable makeup party invitation you can visit

  1. Luau Party

This theme is great for tween parties during the warmer months and especially if you own or have access to a pool. You can have lei’s and grass skirts for everyone to wear once they arrive. Decorations can follow the luau them with tiki torches, palm trees, and pineapples. It is also really cute if you have the little umbrellas that everyone can put in their drinks. Your local party store should have plenty of luau decorations for you to choose from, but if not you can check out

  1. Murder Mystery Theme

My niece went to a murder mystery party and said everyone had a blast. Everyone is assigned a character when they arrive and you can have clothes and accessories available for them to get into character. You can find clothes and accessories at garage sales before the party. If you are not brave enough to write your own murder mystery party you can buy kits at or

  1. Bowling Party

If you don’t want to have the party in your home you can have a bowling party and just take the group to the local bowling alley and let them have fun bowling. You could even take them out for ice cream after they are finished bowling. My dad did this for my birthday when I was 11 and my friends and I had a blast. If you want to find the best bowling ball for house shot, then bowling party is ultimately the best party theme for you. 

One of these tween party ideas is sure to please your tween. Remember to be creative and you can do any of these ideas relatively cheap if you plan well and plan ahead.


Is Military Police The Job For You? Read To Know

Are you thinking about joining the military or re-classing to military police?

Well recruiters will tell you anything to get you to join. In this article I will explain what its like to be an MP. The good sides and the bad sides, to give you a little better understanding and make your choosing easier.

Job functions of an MP: If you think all the MP’s do is drive around in a comfy patrol vehicle and write tickets all day, your wrong. State side you will usually do some police work, regardless of if your in a line unit (combat) or a Law enforcement unit (if your in a law enforcement unit then yes you will primarily do road work), you will do some kinda law work. Usually line units will work rotations, three months training, three months combat scenarios, three months road work. This can vary depending on your unit

Other job functions include:

POLICE INTELLIGENCE: Police intelligence is usually something you get into after being an MP for a while. This is known as CID (criminal investigating division) and MPI (military police investigating) the difference is one does more work then the other. You will investigate most cases before a normal MP gets to make a call on what he or she does. This can be a very fun job, however this can also be very demanding and tiresome. There will be times when you will work hand and hand with the local law enforcement. You may also go around the different places such as schools, to help raise awareness on crime.

Internment/Resettlement:This will include your detainee ops, you will work in a prison this could be in the states, over seas or in the middle east. For a deployment this can be very easy and safe. Stateside this can become very boring and a lot of politics.

Area Security/Combat: This is the main part of being an MP, one that is very demanding and one that is lots of fun. This is also one that most other MOS’s do not know about. This is where you will transport important people and also provide security for them, this may be a battalion commander a general or even the president of the united states. You may also (and this is boring) provide security for a base over seas in the middle east. Yes you pretty much sit in a guard tower and wait for something to happen and you have to deal with the harsh weather. You also will be training the Police forces in the middle east which is a lot of fun however this makes MP’s the most hatted in the middle east and makes it the most dangerous job to have. You will go on patrol with the police and you will be shot at along with the police. Personally this was my favorite job of all, it does the most help in my opinion.

Maneuver and Mobility Support:

BONUSES AND PAY: As of know there are no bonuses for becoming an MP, and the pay is the same as all MOS’s and there is no extra pay for special jobs. However you do get BAS (basic allowance for separate rats) pretty much you get paid to eat and not a lot of jobs in the military does this. The pay for that is about 350.

Points and Promotions: This is the bad part about MP’s your points are very high in fact they haven’t been lower then 700 in about two years so this makes it very hard to become and higher than an E-4. For you new comers Points is a process where you are awarded points for achievements in the military. As a fresh soldier you will still have the option of coming in as an E-1 to an E-4.

THE WORK INVIORMENT: This will vary with the unit but for most, Mp’s think they are the law this is far from the truth we must follow the rules just like everyone else, in fact you must up hold the standard that much more. How can you in force the standard if you are not the standard. Also as I said MP’s tend to think they are the law, this goes for the higher rankings as well, they tend to make rules that are illegal and add to the rules, this is not aloud but it does happen. However as an MP you do tend to get treated as a cop and can get better discounts and yes its true you do tend to get out of tickets, do not let that go to your head as it will not always happen.

So in conclusion being an MP can be fun but it can and will be a lot of hard work. There are both benefits and set backs. However given the right attitude and the right chain of command it can be a great job to have.

This can be fun and it can be boring but indulging with an licensed construction recruitment agency can be a good option for those that has less experience and wants to get a good job.

This is where you will sit around at local events in the middle east making sure all is safe. You will also ride around a route and make sure all is safe, this can be fun, this is where you can catch people placing IED’s and can get contact from enemy’s. However this does not happen often and it can be very boring for a very long time. However the fun part of this mission is, you also provide QRF (quick reaction force) this is where you will respond to all attacks in your area of operation. probably the most fun part of this mission goes hand in hand with the area security/combat mission. You will break into buildings and clear them from enemy’s and IED making materials as well as go for high valued targets.