When shopping for hearing aids, comparisons should be made with regard to a few important points of interest. For example, when you read the hearing hero reviews, you would come to know about many features of the device.
First, you should know that analog hearing aids are largely being eliminated in favor of digital hearing aids. The reason for this is that digital models are capable of so much more with regard to sound reproduction, and are extremely versatile in order to work best for each person’s unique hearing loss.
Next, you need to know about the types of hearing aids that are available. The list below outlines the 4 main types of hearing aids with pros and cons listed as well. The main difference will be in cost and in how discreet you want to be about your hearing loss.
- Behind the ear models (BTE) fit behind your ear in much the same way as glasses do. These are very easy to spot from across a room, but are on the cheaper side, which may be what you’re looking for. People have had issues when using BTE’s and the telephone, as the microphone is mounted on the outside of the ear canal.
- In the ear (ITE) hearing aids are a little bit more discreet, without being much more expensive. These are essentially mounted in a mold of your ear and take up the outer portion of your ear. Some find these to be uncomfortable, while others are quite happy with them. Your Audiologist can give you more information and use a test model to give you an idea of what these will be like.
- In the ear canal (ITC) hearing aids are a bit smaller and go partially into the ear canal. These are less visible than the previous two types in these hearing aids comparisons, but are not the most difficult to detect. They are a step up in price, but you should consider all the options including this and our last type of hearing aid.
- Completely in the ear canal (CIC) models are very small and the most difficult to detect. These are more expensive and lack external controls (they must be adjusted via computer by your Audiologist), but if you’re self conscious about your hearing loss, these are worth looking into. You need to be aware that due to their very small size, they will require more frequent cleaning and maintenance. Batteries must also be changed more frequently due to the necessity of their small size.
Finally, you want to make sure that your hearing aid company is one of the top three listed below:
Seimen’s Starkey Phonak
All three of these hearing aid companies provide state of the art assistive devices and have a well deserved reputation for customer service. Whatever device you ultimately choose, make sure you will be given a 30-60 day trial period so you can be sure the hearing aid suits your needs and lifestyle. A 1-2 year warranty is also a must, as repairs are generally not covered by insurance. I hope this article helped you to understand the factors you must consider when making hearing aids comparisons.
Hearing aids comparisons can help you to not only choose the right type, but also the right model. You can find out more about your options on my discount hearing aids information site. My name is Jim McClinsey and writing helpful articles is my passion!