Migraine headaches can be debilitating, causing severe pain and preventing people from living their lives to the fullest. Although many treatments are available for migraine relief, no single treatment still works for everyone. Recently, some sufferers have begun looking outside traditional medicines and exploring natural treatments such as CBD flower for migraine relief. In this article, we’ll explore CBD flower, how it may help relieve migraines and whether or not it’s an effective treatment option.
What Is CBD Flower?
CBD flower is a form of medical cannabis that contains high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). Unlike marijuana, which has psychoactive effects due to its high THC content, CBD flower does not produce any mind-altering effects and can be used purely for medicinal purposes. It is usually found in dried buds or leaves that can be smoked or vaporized. This form of medication provides a more rapid onset than other cannabis products, such as oils and edibles.
How Does CBD Help Migraine Headaches?
There are several ways in which CBD can provide relief from migraine headaches. Firstly, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which may reduce the swelling associated with migraines. Secondly, it has been shown to reduce muscle tension which can contribute to the occurrence of migraines by blocking certain pathways in the brain that are responsible for transmitting pain signals. Finally, it has also been found to increase serotonin levels which could improve mood and therefore reduce stress levels – a known trigger factor for migraines in many people.
Is There Any Evidence That CBD Works For Migraine Relief?
While research into the effectiveness of CBD as a treatment for migraine headaches is still ongoing, some promising results have been reported so far. A 2015 study published in “Neurology” suggested that patients who took a combination of both THC and CBD experienced fewer headaches when compared with those who only took THC alone. Furthermore, another small pilot study published in “Pain Medicine” showed that participants taking daily doses of 100mgs per day experienced reduced intensity and frequency of their headache symptoms over time compared with those taking placebo pills .
Are there any side effects to taking CBD for migraines?
The good news is that, unlike many conventional medications used to treat migraines, there are no serious side effects associated with using CBD when taken correctly according to the instructions given by your doctor or healthcare provider. However, as with all medications, even natural ones such as cannabinoids, you should always make sure you are aware of the potential risks before starting any kind of treatment plan, including one involving cbd flower shop use. Some mild side effects may include dry mouth, drowsiness, nausea or changes in appetite.
Should you try using cbd to treat your migraines?
If you’re considering trying any new treatment – especially one involving herbal products – it’s important to consult your doctor before making any decisions about your health care. Depending on your individual circumstances, your doctor may advise against using the CBD Flower Shop product due to possible interactions with other medications you may already be taking. Ultimately though, it’s up to each individual person whether they want to take advantage of using cbd flowers as a way to manage their own personal conditions.
The bottom line
CBD flower seems to offer promise as an alternative treatment option for effectively managing migraine symptoms without having to resort to traditional pharmaceutical medications. While more studies need to be conducted to further establish its efficacy in treating this condition on a long-term basis, early evidence suggests that this cannabinoid holds considerable potential in helping individuals find relief from the painful headaches they suffer from regularly.