Get the Facts About the Fit Flops Shoe Fitness Craze
Most of these sandals look just like flip flops except they have a really thick sole and they are not completely flat like flip flops. They do come in a wide variety of colors and a few different styles, they cost quite a bit more than flip flops, they are usually between $38.00 and $60.00 or more depending on the retailer and style and there seems to be a lot of controversy about some of the claims these new fashion icons are making. The makers of fit flops claim that these shoes will improve the look of and tone the muscles in your legs as well as the overall appearance of your backside, they are also claiming that these fit flops can help relieve back pain, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, heel spurs, bunions and more. In addition to all that, some say they can even improve your posture and balance. There are claims that these shoes are so comfortable that they make you want to walk more and be more active which in turn causes the firmer legs and butt and aids in weight loss. With their Mindsole shoe inserts, you get a seamless experience with your shoes and their fittings. If you want to read how millions of other people’s experience you can read Mindinsole reviews that will provide you with all the relevant information.
Fans of the fit flops claim that these shoes are just so incredibly comfortable you want to walk more and feel better doing it with less pain. Could it be that just walking more is what is creating the firmer legs and butt and aiding in the weight loss? Everyone knows that walking is great exercise, burns calories and releases good endorphins to the brain so why is this shoe getting all the credit?
While most people who have bought these fit flop shoes do seem to like them there are some that feel they are not as great as they claim to be. The thing in the middle is thick and stiff or hard, which is uncomfortable and hard to get used to, probably causes blisters between the toes and them to claim that they are harder to walk in because they resemble a wobble board and fit flops are especially hard to walk in on grass or uneven surfaces. Some people have even claimed that fit flops hurt the tops of their feet when they walked in them and most people agree that when you buy your very first pair you should break them in by wearing them for 30 minutes to an hour a day for the first few days until you get used to them.
According to the article posted at Web MD: The Fit Flop Craze: Fashion or Fitness, the experts are saying if you find the shoe comfortable and you like them go ahead and use them, but don’t overuse them and if you have flat feet they may actually cause pain in your calves. They said the intentions are good but these shoes are not all they are cracked up to be.
Basically what it all boils down to is no shoe can magically reshape your body, if you really want to lose weight, have firmer legs and a better butt, then you have to eat right and exercise. Most of the people who bought these shoes wanted to see if they would work so they did walk more and the results they got, if any, were from walking more and not necessarily the shoes.