Fundamental Factors To Look For When Buying a Mattress
Using the right, the comfortable mattress will guarantee you the quality sleep needed to be active and well-rested throughout the day. With the mattress companies utilizing new and innovative technologies in making mattresses these days, there is a mattress for every kind of sleeper out there. Common mattress materials found today are foam, latex rubber and spring or coils. And your comfort is not the only thing that can be compromised if you use an uncomfortable mattress; it can cause lower back pain that can be detrimental in the long run, neck pain and general fatigue. If you find yourself experiencing these conditions every morning, it’s time to discard your old mattress for a new one.
The general rule is that if your mattress is more than eight years old, you must replace it. Mattresses available nowadays, such as latex and memory foam are much more durable and long-lasting
Your biggest priority while deciding which mattress is the best for you is your comfort. It should never be compromised, especially when it comes to sleep. Sleeping in the wrong position or on an incorrect mattress will only be harmful to your health.
Today, thanks to e-commerce sites, it has become very simple to find mattresses that fit your preference and comfort level. Just because a friend recommends a mattress to you, doesn’t mean it’ll be good for you too. When shopping online, utilize the Internet and research which mattress suits your needs. Read fellow customer reviews as these can provide valuable advice. When shopping in-store, take your time and test out the mattress you have decided to buy. Spend a few minutes lying in it, read the warranty, ask questions to the salesman and explore all the options before settling for a new one.
To make this task easier for you, we have compiled the essential factors you need to consider before choosing a mattress-
- Size- There are usually about four to five standard mattress sizes you can find- Twin, Queen Size, King Size and California King Size. Twin and Queen Size will be suitable for one person.
The most important thing to consider here is your height. Mattresses can be custom made as well.
- Support– What is your preferred sleeping position? This can help you decide the kind of support you would require from a new mattress. Support in this context refers to a mattress’s ability to align with your body’s shape and provide ample cushioning to different areas of your body. As a mattress has to hold your weight ever night, it should provide a “push” or support for comfortable sleep.
Your mattress should conform to the natural curve of your body. The mattress you choose must have an even shape throughout and not sag in the middle, so your lower back gets sufficient support. Whether you tend to sleep on your back or on your side or on your stomach, a mattress should provide adequate support and cushioning to your neck, spine and lower back simultaneously.
- Firmness– The firmness of a mattress usually means how soft a mattress is. This is a very personal choice. While some people enjoy firmer mattresses, others might find it not comfortable and too hard on their backs. Most people enjoy softer mattresses that give the sensation of sinking into them. Whatever your preference, keep in mind that firmer mattresses can cause pressure points in your back. It is advisable to go for a medium-firm mattress, not too hard but not too soft either
- Health Concerns– Mattresses are also specifically made for people having issues such as chronic lower back pain, arthritis, and orthopaedic patients, patients suffering from spinal cord and neck injury, patients with bedsores and many more. There are also all-natural mattresses made especially from latex that are ideal for children and adults with allergies.
Posturpedic mattresses are mattresses that were specially designed and recommended for orthopaedic patients for lower back relief. However, these have now been made commercially available to all.
- Adjustable beds- Adjustable bed bases are the innovative and flexible beds that are ideal for people who like to watch TV or read or even work in bed. These are electronic, and you lean your head back or forward, elevate your feet and in some advanced beds, even adjust the firmness of the mattress. These are similar to hospital beds as they use the same technology. Adjustable beds also have serious health benefits. People suffering from snoring, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and chronic hip and spinal pain, heartburn can greatly benefit from these as all these conditions make it difficult to switch from one sleeping position to the next. These are costly but completely worth the money that you spend on them.