
Protecting Business And Personal Financial Information From Clampi And Other Viruses

The Clampi virus, according to USA Today, is a Trojan horse that sits in your computer and waits to get information from one of your financial transactions, then uses it to break into companies that you do business with and steal money. Although such actions don’t directly affect your accounts, they do contribute to higher product costs and to higher fees.Once this gets in your system, it wouldn’t matter even if you cut down expenses and try to save money since it will steal your funds completely.

Although I can’t guarantee that any one of these techniques can protect you from all Internet attacks, these are wise guidelines that will increase your protection beyond what antivirus software provides. If you are doing financial transactions on the Internet and do not have a live antivirus software package running on your computer, and yes, paying the yearly or bi-yearly upgrade fee, you are ready for the poor house or mental institution. An antivirus program will pick up the Clampi virus and remove it.

#1 Use an antivirus protection software package on your personal PC.

Don’t rely on the Yahoo or Google or other servers and their antivirus programs to protect you when making financial transactions, use antivirus software on your personal computer, too.

#2 Keep Account Login and Password Cryptic

Use a username that isn’t your name or a commonly known piece of financial information like your social security number.

If your financial institution has a verification process where you need to provide some piece of information like maiden name or school teacher, you can lie and provide any answer you will remember.

Have a different password for any company where you make financial transactions including, Barnes and Noble, PayPal, any of the Stock Trading companies like Scott Trade, Charles Schwab, etc, clothing companies, etc. If the company allows a guest login and you don’t use their services often, don’t get an account. If you change one password, change the entire set of passwords because it will keep you organized on the new passwords.

If you type your password into an unencrypted field or phished, change your password-there are snoop programs that capture everything you type. If you are phished, cancel your credit card.

The reason for different passwords is that if your account is invaded, since it would mean only one account affected. If you have the same username and password everywhere and an account is invaded, then potentially every account can be invaded. Chances are this will minimize the damage that occurs.

#3 Log Out

After you complete a financial transaction, log out. Especially when you are traveling and using commonly shared computers, be sure you log out of every internet service to make sure others don’t pick up your personal information when they sit down to work. It’s not just a courtesy.

#4 Clear Your Internet Data Activity

Most companies that allow financial transaction have you log in to your account via an encrypted and secure web page. To make sure anyone snooping on your PC doesn’t know where you have been and what you have been doing, including picking up the encrypted passwords you enter on financial programs, clear your internet data.

From MS Explorer, use the command on the Tools menu for Internet Options, Delete cookies etc. You don’t need to do this every day, but you should do it after any financial transaction.

#5 Remove Spyware

I use Yahoo’s spyware program in addition to the spyware program provided by my antivirus program because it finds spyware that slows my computer down and removes them. If it didn’t find files, I wouldn’t run it, but it does. Run the spyware removal program before your financial transaction and afterwards, too.

#6 Report Your Account to Your Financial Institution in Case of Foul Play

If you have evidence of foul play on your account such as an address changed without your permission, change your password, immediately.

If your account has unauthorized activity, report it and report your credit card(s) as lost or stolen. Better to stop any transactions before they occur than afterward.

Carpet Cleaning

How To Use Carpet Scraps To Improve Your Home

My friend Marty recently had new carpet installed in her living room, and I helped out. The old carpet was glued down, and had to be cut up to be removed. It had a lot of miles on it, and couldn’t re-reused, so off to the dump it went. We decided the carpet scraps that were leftover from the installation could be reused, though. So, we brainstormed to see what uses we could come up with. Carpet scraps are quite handy to have on hand. Read this informative article and find out how to use carpet scraps to improve your home!

Note: To get the new carpet smell out of the scraps, we hung them out on the clothesline for a few days first. If your carpet scraps are particularly stinky, read “How to Get Rid of New Carpet Smells in Your Home.”

#1 Save a Carpet Scrap In Case You Need a Patch

The first thing we did was set a square-foot piece of carpet aside in case Marty needs it later. Hopefully she’ll never need to patch her carpet, but, things happen, especially when you have kids and pets.

#2 Use Carpet Scraps for Handy Entryway Mats

Carpet scraps not only blend in with the room, but they also help catch dirt at entryways before it gets tracked in. Keeping dirt out helps improve any home.

#3 Make a Scratching Post For Your Cat Out of Carpet Scraps

Anyone who has cats knows that having at least one scratching post in the house is mandatory. If you don’t want to go to the bother of making a vertical post, you can simply cover a piece of a 2X4 with carpet scraps. Staple the carpet down to secure it in place. Then, just lay it on the floor for Kitty.

#4 Use a Carpet Scrap As a Cat Litter Box Mat

Place a carpet scrap in front of your cat’s litter box to help improve your home. The carpet will catch the litter from your cat’s paws as they exit. Carpet scraps are less expensive than buying those plastic mats. And, they work better.

#5 Make a Car/Truck Seat Pad With Carpet Scraps

I did this with an old farm truck I had. The driver’s seat was shot and the springs were popping up through. I didn’t want to spend the money on buying a new seat. So, I covered it with a thick carpet scrap. It kept the springs in the seat where they belong.

#6 Save Your Floors By Storing Boots and Shoes on Carpet Scraps

Carpet scraps make great places to park footwear, especially when they’re wet or snowy. To dry the carpet, just shake it off outside. Then, hang it up. Taking good care of your carpet will save you a lot of money by not needing to hire carpet cleaning services.

#7 Add Cushioning to Your Garden Kneeler With Carpet Scraps

Gardening can literally be a pain, especially if you’re down on your knees a lot. I sometimes use a kneeler when I’m working in the garden to cushion my knees. To make the kneeler even more comfortable, I put a carpet scrap on it.