What are the healthiest detox diets?
Before I start to explain the healthiest detox diets I would like to tell you guys more about me and how I lost 15 pounds within one month. No, it is not a joke and there is even prove of me losing weight. I did not use just any diet pill that guarantees you weight loss with no effort or any product that you got to pay so much money for and in the end, you have gained weight instead of losing it. This is where before you try anything else you should look at the coolsculpting process which is a really effective way to lose weight. If you are wondering how much CoolSculpting for stomach costs? Then you should check this link and see for yourself how affordable this process is.
Let me start how I lost weight and detoxed my body in a short period of time. One of the things that I did was I went to a Chinese store and purchased Lipo Trim 5. Lipo Trim 5 does not guarantees weight loss, what it does is burn calories, reduces body fat, controls your appetite, activates your metabolism, increases your energy, and it is 100% herbal ingredients. Of course, the pill does not do the work on its own. You have to discipline yourself first, make a commitment that you will go through it and make sure you are going to stick to it.
In order to make this pill work, you have to exercise and eat properly and no I don’t mean a diet. For example, I wake up in the morning and I drink a pill, which I forgot to mention is just a pill a day. I wait 30 minutes and for my breakfast, I get a glass of orange or apple juice, with fruit and scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese, or to make it more simple, a glass of 100% juice of any kind I like and cereal with fruit on the side. That is all I eat in the morning and once I eat breakfast I wait another 30 minutes until I am ready to exercise. Many people see or hear the word exercise and people are quick to run away from the word. Exercising is fun only if you know how to make it fun. When exercising I always have an I pod, water and always keep in mind why I am exercising. Always remember to drink plenty of water. I have a bow flex at home that I use 25 minutes every two days and I walk every day. Not many people can afford a bow flex so you can substitute it for jogging and walking with little weights or an exercise ball which works great and makes wonders, it is just the same. If you have any kids, you can make your kids the excuse of exercising, for example, there are times that I take my 15 yr old sister to go to the park and walk around or I get friends to go with me and we’ll walk, talk and laugh all at the same time and once all that is done you will realize you guys have been walking for an hour or if not more.
Once I do my exercise for the day and I go home I eat a fruit and plan on what am I going to eat for the afternoon or for lunch. You can always make your proportion of meat, vegetables, and fruits without a problem. If you want meat with vegetables and fruit then you can go ahead and eat your meat, vegetables with fruit just make sure to make it proportionate. If you like your rice, beans, and chicken like I do make a proportion and eat less of it instead and don’t lay down, go to sleep or get a rest. Keep yourself occupied until your food is processed. When evening comes and you get hungry you can eat something but it cannot be too heavy for your stomach and once again don’t lay down, go to sleep or get a rest. One thing that I always make is Jello. The reason why I make a lot of Jello is that Jello does not contain a lot of sugar and it is mostly water.
Now do not eat after 7:30 pm If hungry a Jello or fruit would be fine and drink water before going to sleep.
This is my way of losing weight and it is amazing how I can still eat moderately, exercise and still lose weight, feeling great without starving myself or without making diets that will make me gain weight instead.
Let’s talk about the detox of the body without pills. There are so many ways to detox your body without pills like Prune Juice. Prune Juice is a great way to detox your body and when detoxing your body with Prune Juice it can always help you lose weight along with your exercising program. Prune Juice and other berries can help you detox your body, speed up your metabolism, reduce fat especially if you are exercising regularly and they have vitamins that are great for your body. Try it, when least expect it you will also lose weight and feel great by the end of the month. There is nothing else better to know that you can lose weight by still eating healthy, making exercising fun and by detoxing your body with berries and juices that do not cause harm to your body.