
Things To Know About Gucci Design Handbags – Click Here To Read More

Gucci design handbags always flaunt style in the best way. The design and the fabric are truly breath-taking and that’s why all women can carry these handbags to show their own taste of fashion. No matter whether you are a political leader or a fashion stylist, everyone can carry this handbag to any place.

This is a brand which offers an exclusive range of handbags at variable price rates. To know more about these Gucci design handbags, click here to read more. When you carry this branded handbag in your hand, you will definitely get noticed by the people.

Gucci handbags are made to make a remarkable statement with your taste of fashion. With these bags, you can showcase your taste of choice. Not only this, it also shows your personality and elegance. Therefore, in recent days, when every woman is fashion conscious, these handbags are no more considered a fashion accessory; rather they are a status symbol.

If you buy a designer handbag from the brand Gucci, it will indicate that you are a style conscious woman. These bags are worth of the money and therefore, it is perfect for all class of women. There is no age bar for carrying these types of handbags. Any age of woman can carry them and flaunt their own style of fashion.

A lot of online stores now sell these handbags at variable price rates. However, you need to keep one thing in mind that not all online stores are authenticated and sell original Gucci handbags. Therefore, you need to make the selection of the store very carefully. You should only prefer to buy Gucci handbags from the online stores which sell original and authenticate handbags.

To know more about these designer handbags, click here to read more. Gucci replica handbags are also available in the market which makes you fool. So, you have to very much careful while buying. For best results, you should check out the bar code of these bags.

A wide variety of these handbags are available in the market and the best thing is that they are available at affordable price rates. So, what are you waiting for? Grab it today to make your own fashion statement. The style and fabric of these bags never go out of fashion. Every time you go to purchase them, you will find something new and attracting in their range and this is the reason why these handbags are so much popular among women.

They come in fresh and modern design keeping the trend in mind. You can carry them to any place and they will not look out of style. Whether it is a social get together party or a corporate meeting, Gucci handbags are apt for any event and this is an important feature which keeps them apart from other handbags brand.

Gucci handbags are unmatchable in respect of quality as well. You can use these bags for a long period of time and pass it off to your daughter and grand-daughter, it still look the same even after ages. So, it is a great investment and this is the reason why most women possess two or three Gucci handbags in their wardrobes.

GuideInternetSocial Media

The Social Network: A Toast To My Undergrad Years

The Social Network, based on the true story of Mark Zuckerberg’s creation of Facebook, recently won four Golden Globes. The movie highlights Zuckerberg’s successes and troubles associated with the creation and phenomenon of Facebook. Zuckerberg can serve as an inspiration for college students everywhere. He’s a student with awkward social skills who just got dumped by his girlfriend. A simply idea for a website turned him into the youngest billionaire in history. Like every good story, Zuckerberg’s success comes with a price. He was plagued by legal and personal issues as a result of Facebook.

As I watched the movie, I realized Facebook played a large role in my own undergraduate career. The Social Network escorted me to a time circa 2004 when I was a sophomore in college. I was sent the link to join the site by a high school friend. Since I didn’t attend an Ivy League university or a college in the Massachusetts area, I was not one of the pioneering members of the site. However, I joined early enough to remember it being called “The Facebook”. I joined when a college email address was required to gain access.

My main interest in the site was an opportunity for personal networking. Facebook allowed me to find guys I met at parties, classmates who attended lectures on mornings when I was too “sick” to leave my dorm, and high school friends attending different universities. Yet in a larger sense, Facebook became a huge spider web for me. A university with a 10,000+ students suddenly seemed much smaller. It was easy to make connections between people. I was able to find fellow education majors and I had a sense of being more than just a number on campus.

Facebook also provided ample opportunities for drama. There was (and still is) the dilemma of whether or not to accept a friend request of someone you don’t consider a friend. Thanks to Facebook it also became harder than ever to fly under the radar. Someone somewhere somehow always knows just a little too much and spreads word to the wrong people. Perhaps my motivation would have increased if I hadn’t had Facebook as a distraction each time I sat at my computer to write a paper. Facebook became a virtual playground in my college career. Could I have lived without Facebook? Sure. But looking at pictures, checking status updates, finding new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and watching the drama unfold as my friends list expanded; Facebook certainly enhanced my college career.

Today, social media have come along way. From practically non-existent platform to the most used digital space across the globe, it is no doubt that social media are considered game changers. You can also get cheap and Instant Instagram views at Buzzvoice. Certainly, it is expected to develop and grow even further in the future.


What Are Bankruptcy Alternatives?

Money is tight. Tight is an understatement, money is non-existent. Every dollar that comes in goes out and you can’t get your needs taken care of. The phone rings all the time. You are nervous and anxious and will do anything to avoid another phone call. It seems that nothing is right in your world. But there is! I have been there, in the bankruptcy path. It is a dark and lonely place. Mostly, you have become embarrassed and unsure of yourself and have no support system. The lack of a support system is something we do to ourselves to hide the fact that we are not making it. We feel like failures.

Looking back I would change so much. I would also take full responsibility for my actions and set out on a different path. Bankruptcy would have not been an option if I knew then what I know now. I hope if you are reading these words you heed my warning and at least give my ideas a try. After all what have you got to lose at this point?

1.The first thing is to own up to all your debts. Don’t hide the envelopes when the bills come in. Put them all in one place.

Better yet, make files for each bill. Organization is your first step to control.

  1. Make a spreadsheet on Excel or Lotus or just on green ledger paper it doesn’t matter where as long as it is in a place where you can do the same thing each month and keep the prior months history. This is basically a list of all people or businesses you owe money. The first section would be their name, address and phone number. The second sections would be the total amount owed, the 3rd section would be the minimum payment and the 4th would be the interest rate.
  1. After the list is complete organize the list by interest rate – highest to lowest.
  1. Make a complete list of your income and household expenses – outside of debt, but including your home. Subtract these expenses from your income. This is the amount you have available to pay down debt. For now there will not be any extras.
  1. Keep all your files with you and find a quiet room with a phone. You are now ready to call each and every creditor and try to negotiate with them. You will need to go into your reserves and past your insecurities to where your true self is. You will request an interest decrease, whether it be for the life of the debt or just a few months, take it. If they will not work with you try to speak with their manager. This should not be a problem. If your credit is already shaky, which it probably already is, you may not receive a interest decrease. In this case you need to explain to the creditor (not your highest interest card) that you are experience financial difficulty and am unable to maintain the current minimum. You would then request an amount that you can pay monthly. The credit company will try and talk you into a higher amount, but your job is to convince them that you can not pay more and that this is what you can pay. You should also explain that you are trying to stop bankruptcy and pay your way out of debt. As a general rule some money is better than none. The trick is don’t bargain more than you can pay.

Whether you negotiated a new interest rate or a decreased payment, even if only for a limited time. It will all help you to get a grip on your debt. Now, you should have the minimums you can afford. Your next step is to eliminate late fees and build your credit back slowly.

  1. Open a separate no fee, no minimum account. In this account you will deposit, each pay period, a portion of the monthly debt pay back. This amount was calculated in number 4 above. So if this amount is $100 and you get paid every 2 weeks you will deposit into this account $50 each pay check. This will eliminate the chance of you spending it before the debt is due.
  1. Next you will set up each credit account to withdraw from your new account on the day it is due. May sure you select minimum payment and not the full balance. Even though you may be moving more money than minimums you will still set up all accounts to only take the minimum. Our bankruptcy lawyers at the Law Offices will provide the requirement of the money to the person. The payment can be done with different mode of payment with the confidentiality of the private information.
  1. The amount that is left in the account less $1 to keep the account open will be paid by you separately at the end of each month to the account with the highest interest rate. Note this amount will be changing because as you pay off your debts the minimum payments decrease. Plus you may or may not be making interest on your account.
  1. When the highest rate credit is paid you will apply the extra account money to the next highest interest rate card.

Things you should know and/or be aware of:

You can ask creditors not to call you. They can send all notices through the mail. But this shouldn’t be important if you have initiated the above practice.

As long as you are paying $5.00 per month to medical bills they will not be able to obtain a judgment against you. When you go to court this will show the judge you are making an honest attempt to pay.

When your negotiated deals with creditors expire or you did not receive one, call back. Do this every month. As you are continuing to pay on time with the above system you are becoming more credit worthy. Don’t worry what the person thinks of you on the other end. You will never meet them, so keep calling.

Talk to someone you trust. There is always someone out there who sees things that you are missing. Be brave tell them you are struggling. Most people will help you figure out a plan to succeed. Remember you are human, not perfect. None of us is perfect.

The worse anyone can say to you is no.

And lastly, money will be tight for awhile. You did not acquire this kind of debt over night. You may feel at times that you are getting no where. This is normal. This is why you should record your current debts each month on a spreadsheet either on the computer or by hand. By doing this you will see your progress each month. The progress will begin to grow with each debt payment made, so be proud of your successes and acknowledge them.


Can Cannabis Oil and its benefits to working people

There are several studies that show that CBD oil is an effective product in treating stress anxiety, pain, and even depression. A lot of people who are stressed from their work, and daily activities found support and help through CBD oil. Nowadays, stress and anxiety are becoming rampant from different parts of the world. Most of the victims of these mental disorders are those working individuals. According to experts, there are moments that people feel overwhelmed with their daily activities regardless on how organized they are with their schedules, shifts and workload. Hence, as someone who experiences stress and anxiety, it is important that he or she knows how to handle it effectively. And it seems that CBD oil might be the solution to the problem. 

CBD is an essential supplement that can help in fighting stress. It aids in making people calm and relaxed. When people are less stressed or feel relaxed, they can focus more at work and they can sleep better at night. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people are now considering CBD. With the increasing number of stress and anxiety cases in different parts of the world, it is vital that we consider the best support that we can get.  While there are some side effects of CBD when taken, studies and research have shown that in general nature, CBD oil is very safe fro consumption considering that it is taken or used properly and as long as it is coming from the right source. Some of the side effects are nausea, fatigue, and headaches. That said, it is very important to consult first with your doctor before taking any products of CBD oil. After all, your health and safety are the top priorities to consider.

Aside from helping workers to deal and combat stress and anxiety, CBD oil is also an effective treatment for pain. CBD oil for pain has also been gaining popularity. Pain is something that is common to workers regardless of the nature of the work. Whether you are an office person, filed worker, or even an executive in a corporation, there are times that you will certainly suffer from different kinds of body pain. But as studies and research suggest, CBD can help people to treat pain. So aside from mental health benefits of CBD, it is also helpful in our physical health. 

Overall, research has shown that CBD oil has been helping a lot of people with their daily work stressors. With this, CBD oil is considered as an amazing working product which you may want to consider trying out for yourself as well. But it is advisable to take only small dosage in order to prevent experiencing some of its side effects. Always remember that everything is good with moderation. Lastly, if you have some existing health issues, it is important to consult first with your doctor before taking any CBD oil product for your health and safety.


Telemarketing: Reaching Your Customers the Direct Way

“Hello, I am calling from so and so bank and am glad to inform you that you can get a pre-approved loan of up to …; no documents required, no verification; … if you are interested, I will send across an executive to get your signature on the loan application form”. Sounds familiar? That is Telemarketing – a marketing approach to generate leads and sales by making phone calls to prospective clients.

The technique is one of the most direct ways of Direct Marketing because you get the prospect’s attention straightaway by calling him on the phone. However, it turns out to be an annoyance when hundreds of companies call you at all times of the day to try to get you to be interested in buying their products. Considering the annoyance factor and the recent trend of Permission Marketing, consumers can now unsubscribe to Telemarketing by registering their phone number in the National Do Not Call Registry. If your phone is registered with the NDNC, it is illegal for Telemarketing Companies to call you. This is why some advertisers resort to sending the ‘not-as-annoying’ text messages.

However, you may wonder – where did they get my phone number from? Remember the small form that you filled up at the shopping complex to register for a lucky draw. The database of all the form fillers would have been purchased by the bank resulting in that call to you. Purchasing database is a very common practice resorted to by many companies. It is sometimes shocking to think that so many companies have your contact details without your knowledge.

As you probably know, companies refer to historical records of their customers, application forms, contest forms; public directories like the telephone directory and sometimes they even purchase phone databases from various sources, in order to compile a list of phone numbers. Usually the Telemarketing process consists of an initial screening call to qualify the prospect and a follow-up call to make the sales pitch. This is called ‘Outbound’ Telemarketing.

On the other hand, when companies advertise a toll-free 1-800 number for their customers to call up in case they have a problem with their product, it is called ‘Inbound’ Telemarketing. Service representatives answer these calls and resolve the customer queries. For handling standard requests, many companies implement the IVR – Interactive Voice Response technology wherein the caller can choose key options and get his query answered. For instance, when you dial the toll free number of your bank, a recorded voice says – press 1 to continue in English, press 2 to continue in French, press 3 to continue in German and so on. Experts advise to gets your brands website found with expert SEO San Diego services for increase in the benefits. A helpline number will be provided to the person for further benefits. 

It is also possible to call up people with an automated pre-recorded message, a facility which is widely used during political or electoral campaigns. This is called ‘Robocalling’.


DIY Faux Painting - Faux Brick

If you want to add a decorative look to a plain wall, or add a cozy textured feel anywhere in the home, give this faux brick paint technique a try. This unique process will provide the look of real brick without the back-breaking labor. Faux brick is a more advanced faux paint technique; if you have not tried it before, practice the procedure on a piece of scrap wood before actually applying it. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you’ll be ready to apply it to walls, floors, fireplaces, or even as a unique kitchen backsplash.

When choosing the colors for your faux brick, choose those that mimic its natural palette. You will be using a combination of three earth-tone colors, in addition to the cream base coat. Shades of sand, cream, brick red, gray, putty, and cream, are good colors to consider.

Supplies needed for faux brick:

– Base coat (cream latex paint)

– (3) colors of flat latex paint (options listed above)

– Glazing liquid (water based)

– (3) glass jars with lids

– Paint brush

– Thin painter’s tape

– Carpenter’s level

– Pencil

– Tape measurer

– Newspaper 

Quick notes about faux brick:

– Using multiple colors will help add texture to your brick and give it an authentic look. This is why we recommend using three different shades, however, two can be used instead, if desired.

– The best thing about the faux brick paint technique is, they don’t have to look perfect. Real bricks are imperfect, so if each of the bricks you create is a bit different, that will only add to their beauty.

– Before painting the basecoat, make sure you prepare the walls properly. Learn how in this article ‘How to Paint a Room’.

Faux brick paint technique:

STEP 1 – Paint the area with the base coat. Again, if you are unsure how to properly paint a wall, consult the instructions for in the article ‘How to Paint a Room’. Allow to dry overnight. Painting Kits will help in enriching the knowledge of the person and with the available information there will be enormous ideas on how to paint will be available. The paint at the room should be different and unique. 

STEP 2 – Beginning your first faux brick evenly is essential. You MUST start off with a perfect straight line. If the first brick is uneven, the entire technique will be off. Thus, use a carpenter’s level to start marking the first brick. Use pencil (not pen!) to mark the brick pattern, and then go back and cover the marking with thin carpenter’s tape. Keep in mind, the thicker the tape, the thicker the ‘grout’ between the bricks will be. Continue until your entire brick pattern is complete.

STEP 3 – Mix each color of paint with glazing liquid in a glass jar. Follow mixing directions on the glaze packaging. Work in small, 2′ – 3′ sections at a time, and use a paintbrush to apply the different colors randomly in small 1″ – 2″ strokes. Allow the colors to overlap one another in some areas, and let the base coat show through in others. Imperfection is key!

STEP 4 – Now, to blend the colors together, fold a newspaper and press it flat against the painted surface. You can use cheesecloth or a sea sponge, if you prefer, but you’ll save money using newspaper. Press, don’t rub, the newspaper over and over the paint. Lift it, turn it, and move it all over to blend the colors together. When the newspaper gets very wet, toss it out and use a different sheet.

STEP 5 – Repeat this same process in small 2′ – 3′ sections until the entire surface is covered. Yes, the faux brick paint technique is time consuming, but it will yield beautiful results. Be patient, and take a break when your arm becomes tired.

STEP 6 – If you want to accent the brick even further, go back over and add a touch more glaze. Add a small amount to a sheet of folded newspaper and press it in different areas to add depth and dimension.

STEP 7 – Slowly remove the carpenter’s tape. As you lift it away, you’ll begin to see how rich this finished faux paint technique appears. The ‘grout’ lines will become visible, and give the faux brick an authentic look.


The Principles of Batch Process Program Development

What is a batch process?

Batch processing is the automation of job tasks set forth by a user to simplify the use of multiple system processes simultaneously in a computing environment. A batch process is a series of simple system commands strung together by one, more complex job director. As a kid, I was told to imagine a baker (the baker being the “brilliant” allegory of the batch processor) executing a number of simple functions like beating eggs and stirring flour mix in the hopes that he would soon have cake. Without the baker (the batch processor), complex (and delicious) products like cake would never be achieved.

Why are batch processes important?

Batch processes make our everyday lives easier. An average human interacts with machines that produce trillions of lines of code a day. These commands are produced in batches so that it is not necessary to learn millions of programming languages just to get cash out of an ATM. Batch is also capable of producing user interfaces which limit our contact with these command-lines, creating a more stable yet powerful environment. The programs of the low-code development should be selected after the reputation of the wavemaker sites. The making of the contact will be advantageous for the companies with minimum cost. 

Batch processing is economical. It has been used for industry since the first electronic computer was introduced in the late 1950’s due to the sheer expense of programmers at the time. A single programmer would catalog a batch of commands and apply it to multiple systems saving time, money and resource. Most industries use batch these days to automate extremely complex processes that would otherwise be unfathomable by a programmer in real-time.

Batch processes have also become popularized in the personal computing industry due to their raw, virtually limitless nature. The batch process allows a user to customize a system by executing very sophisticated commands on an otherwise limited construct. Batch processes can auto-start during an operating system’s boot up phase or run at scheduled times to add more power and function to a standard personal computer as well.

How to start programming batch processes

For our purposes, we will be using the Windows command-line utility, or CMD prompt (cmd.exe) developed originally for Windows NT, but now found in all Windows operating systems. If you are using Microsoft Windows Vista, then this application will be supplemented with Windows Powershell, a new, more powerful scripting and command-line interface from Microsoft, for added faculty. This utility is ideal for our purposes because it is simple, easy-to-test and applies the same logic and principles that more complex command-line utilities require (which makes for a perfect introduction for new programmers).

You will also need some sort of raw text or program editor like NOTEPAD.EXE (made available through the accessories utility in any contemporary Windows operating system) that enables a user to save batch processes (file extension: .BAT). This application will be used to write raw data that we will utilize to create Windows batches. It is important in choosing an editor to keep in mind the following:

  1. The editor must not format or tag files in any way
  2. The editor must be able to save files with any extension (.BAT will not be the only extension we will be using)
  3. The editor mustn’t indent text, add headers or appendages or otherwise amend text in any way.

When searching for a text editor (if you’ve decided that Notepad.exe isn’t right for you) the key is simplicity. It is important that the editor doesn’t amend or format your text in any way, given that spacing and syntax are both integral to what it is that we’ll be doing. If you’re in doubt in a any way, it’s always best just to go with the Windows Notepad.exe.

In the next lessons, you will learn how to develop, test and debug your own batch process programs and implement them onto basic systems, introducing you to the wonderful world of computer system programming. In batch process program development it’s extremely important to keep goal oriented, level-headed and most importantly organized. Thanks, and happy programming!

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to continue on to learn more about command-line and batch process programming by referring to The Principles of Batch Process Program Development: Basic Syntax.


Top 3 Faucet-mounted Water Filters of this year

Faucet-mounted water filters are a breeze to set up and operate. You can easily fit it in your kitchen tap and it won’t require any major plumbing works. A faucet water filter is convenient to filter out contaminants from both cooking and drinking water. Are you looking to invest in an efficient faucet water filter of late? Now, there is no dearth of water filters in the current market but it’s hard to choose the right one for your home. Thus, it’s really important to check the reviews to study the pros and cons of a filter and its credibility meter. For example, if you check propur water filter review, you will find the filters can deal with almost all the major contaminants which makes them some of the safest in the market. To make things easier for you, the post below extends a note on some of the best faucet-mounted filters of 2020.

iSpring DF2-CHR

If you are looking for an economical faucet filter that doesn’t compromise on quality, the iSpring option would be a great option for you. The filter is able to filter up till 500 gallons water, based on contamination and sediment level in water. The DF2-CHR is designed to remove out all the usual heavy metals as well as chemical compounds present in tap water, like lindane, VOCs, atrazine and so on.

The filter comes with all the components required for a breezy installation, such as universal adapter that caters to all faucet types. The filter is also convenient to remove, replace as well as re-install. The filter is designed to withstand high temperatures up till 176 degrees, meaning hot water won’t be a problem.

Best points about the filter:

  • The filter doesn’t leak at higher water pressure
  • Economical option
  • Quick filtration up till 1.5 gpm
  • Solid 24/7 customer support

Pur 3-stage Faucet filter

AN Amazon bestseller, this faucet filter has to be on our list when we are talking about best of filters. One of the greatest highlights of the filter is its ability to remove as many as 70+ various contaminants from water. In other words, the Pur filter has been accredited to remove 92 percent pesticides, 96 percent of mercury as well as 99 percent lead. 

Besides, the filter is really simple to install. It will take just minutes to connect the water filter to faucet. Again, the filter promises easy removal whenever needed. 

Best points about the filter:

  • Highly efficient
  • Low price 
  • Effectiveness to price ratio is top-notch

Kabter Healthy Water Faucet Filter System

A highly efficient water filter, the model is equipped with activated carbon-based charcoal filter which enables it to remove maximum possible water contaminants. Presence of carbon filter helps the filter to reduce cysts, sediments, chlorine, lead and mercury like a boss. It can even remove scale, lime, fungi, bacteria and mold. 

It’s to note here the filter boasts durable and sturdy construction. Unlike regular filters made from cheap plastic, the Kabter option sports food-grade BPA-free strong ABS plastic.

Best points about the filter:

  • Compatible with both hot and cold water
  • Sturdy construction


Tiger Chinese Horoscope Forecasts

Your Chinese Horoscope for 2011 if you were born in the years: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914, 1902

Many people will be busy enjoying themselves during the Year of the Rabbit and you don’t intend to miss out. There should be ample opportunity for you, too, to relax and have fun. You might think about learning a new skill or starting a new hobby. Here it is recommended that you choose one or two special areas rather than scatter your energy too thinly. The information about the الابراج will be provided from the websites so that special knowledge will be available to the person. From different years, there will be proper gathering of the information for astrology. 

This will be a calmer and more relaxed year for you compared with last year when you will have seen a lot of change and progress, but it is likely you feel as if you’ve never stopped! During the year of the Rabbit you will get your chance to stop and stare and savour all that is good in your life now.

Career affairs look good. They won’t be without their problems but you will be able to resolve these easier than you expected. Most hurdles will be overcome with little difficulty.

It’s a great year to travel especially if you are planning a journey for April or August. You could well get to enjoy the holiday of a lifetime.

If career or business matters get problematic at any time this year, the best advice will be: walk away, calm down and return when you are feeling less frustrated. May is the month when you may need to reassess the firmness of your alliance with your present partner or employer. If it might seem your job is under threat in any way, this is the time to start looking for a way to become more secure in your existing employ, or to search for another job.

Although you are trying to be sensible at all times this year, a lot depends too, on the people around you. All lives are entwined and one person’s decision will affect another, then another. One person’s actions can have a domino affect, bringing changes into the lives of those around them. For that reason you need to keep relationships open and honest. Let others know what you intend to do before you do it and find out their plans, just to ensure a partner does not succumb to possibilities that are more risky than secure.

On the home front, you will find relaxation with your family. A friend or neighbour will have delights you have never noticed before and you may feel drawn to them. If you are single, this realisation could lead to a rather unforgettable romantic episode.

Family affairs improve during the year of the Rabbit and relationships in the home will be more harmonious than they have been in recent years.

Best Months for Career: June and December

Best Months for Romance: March and September


Questions for the Mysterious Men with Ponytails

Men and their ponytails. Men and their long nappy hair. Men’s grooming products have come so far and yet the man ponytail still swings around town like a forgotten trend still lingering…lingering like a can of leftover tuna fish that is.

I have to wonder if my repulsion for such ponytails is sparked by jealousy. My luscious locks lose some of their brilliance next to the man ponytails. These men are trespassing in the land of women. How dare they. So if you don’t want hair cutting style but rather growing your hair, you are in the right place.

After seeing an ole hippie man sporting a ponytail on the stationary bike at the gym today, I nearly ran into the long water fountain line. (Dang those gym rats who bring their empty 48 oz water bottles to fill up at the slowest water fountain station EVER). But what really got me is this- men with ponytails workout? True I have never seen an obese ponytail man, or even just a man with long hair who was overweight, but they’re into exercise?

The entire stereotype of men with ponytails is diminishing. Ponytailed men are not just Harley Davidson bikers, not just Native Americans with braids, not just strange men who smoke and lead mysterious lives. Men with long hair are Americans who care about their health and fitness levels.

  • What else do they do?
  • Do they use special deep conditioners to keep their hair from being frizzy?
  • Do they like to swing their pony’s to the side on days when life feels a bit boring?
  • Do they wake up in the morning and decide I should part it THIS way today?
  • Do men with ponytails use no tangle colored rubber bands that match their outfits?
  • Could men with ponytails ever be considered metrosexual? Or are they just lazy?
  • If they ride in a car with the top down do they worry their hair style will blow out too much?
  • And how about baseball hats. . .do they stick the ponytail through the hole in the back? (where else could it go?)
  • And haircuts? I can imagine a man with a ponytail playing with his hair, looking down and think “Wow I have a lot of dead ends, I really need a trim.”
  • Where in the heck do they go to their hair trimmed? Hair Cuttery?
  • If they get in a bar fight will another guy pull their hair? Is that aginst man code?
  • Any why must it always be the low ponytail on men…why not be brave and wear a high ponytail?

Ahh the mystery of men with ponytails. Mysterious men’s grooming. Perhaps someday I will meet a man with a long haired ponytail who is willing to reveal the secret lives of such men. Until then, I hope they step up the competition a bit and start brushing their hair more than once a week. Brusha Brusha Brusha.