In the past I’ve written articles about the best Final Fantasy games, the best Final Fantasy villains and the best Final Fantasy supporting characters. It should be no surprise that I am a Final Fantasy fan, which means I have played Final Fantasy XIII. Playing Final Fantasy XIII made me want to write more about Final Fantasy. Enough with the best of lists though. Not everything about Final Fantasy is good. There are some great stories and there are some bad ones. There are some great villains and some weak villains. There are some awesome characters and then there are some that are completely lame. These are the worst characters from the Final Fantasy franchise.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Strago Magus
Strago is the old fart from Final Fantasy VI and he’s a blue mage. A blue mage? What is that crap? If you’re not a black mage or white mage then get that garbage out of here.
It is difficult to categorize him even as a character as he seems so deviated from the plot as well as one of the most irritating and would constantly remind you of Meow from Pokemon go accounts. I have always said that Final Fantasy Series would have been much better without him.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Relm Arrowny
Besides being an annoying little brat, Relm also has one of the dumbest special abilities. There are some cool abilities in Final Fantasy VI. Edgar can use cool weapons. Sabin has great attacks. Gogo can mimic anybody’s movies. What does Relm do? She paints.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Hope Estheim
Hope Estheim is one of the main characters from the most recent Final Fantasy installment, Final Fantasy XIII. Hope is a whiny little brat and is annoying throughout the entire game. Hope is also a pansy. It’s a shame his last name is Estheim, it should be Less, as in HopeLess.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Zidane Tribal
A lot of people rank Final Fantasy IX pretty high but I don’t remember it being that good. I think it is simply because it was the worst cast of characters ever and I can’t remember anything beyond that. After the awesome group of characters in FFVI, Cloud in FFVII and Squall in FFVIII the main character in FFIX had a lot to live up to. Instead Final Fantasy fans get this stupid little kid with a tail? Seriously?
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Seymour Guado
Final Fantasy X’s biggest flaw was in the villain department. Seymour Guado was one of the major protagonist and I just couldn’t take him seriously. Seymour’s outfit looked like he was wearing a dress, he has the most ridiculous hair cut ever and his name is Seymour! Have you ever met somebody named Seymour that was actually badass? I don’t think so.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Quina Quen
I would love to tell you all about Quina Quen from Final Fantasy IX, but the truth is I have no idea what the heck Quina is. He…she..whatever it is seems to be wearing a dress, something similar to a bonnet and has a very large tongue.
Worst Characters in the Final Fantasy Series: Cait Sith
Quina Quen was strange but kind of belonged in that cast of misfits in Final Fantaxy IX. Cait Sith was just out of place though. Final Fantasy VII had the spikey-haired hero with the giant sword, the pissed off black guy with a gun for an arm, the badass chick that could beat the crap out of people and the mysterious Vincent. They even had some kind of lion in their group. Then there is this freakish looking creature named Cait Sith. He looked like a miniature Stay Puft Marshmallow man with dragon wings and a cat that sat on his head. Weird.