Making wood briquettes is not a long process, and it can be easily done by any person. However, you need the machine through which these are made, and you can easily do other things. These briquettes are eco-friendly, and they never harm the environment. You can easily buy them from your nearest stores as they are available in different packaging or you can order them from leilibrikett. These are so much affordable, and anyone can get them quickly. These are mostly used in households for doing the burning activities, and they will never harm you as well as the surroundings. This is because they are chemical-free and do not emit any type of chemical out of it.
Talking about the making of these briquettes, it is easy, and the process is just completed in three steps. You have to make the raw material ready for beginning the process. The raw material includes different types of wood, crushed and dried wood. Then you have to put the sawdust in the briquette machine, and it will start the briquetting process. There is one more step in this process; let’s discuss all of them in brief.
Step-1 Be ready with the raw material
In the first step, you have to collect the raw material used in the briquetting. The raw material will include the crushed of the woods and dried woods in it. It is dependent on you that what kind of wood you are using for making the briquettes.
Step-2 Put sawdust in the wood briquette machine
The crushes and all the raw material will be put in the briquetting machine, and it will be started by you. The process will get started in this step.
Step-3 Cool down the briquettes
After the briquettes are ready and come out of the machine, you have to cool them down. After cooling them down, you have to pack them and store them at a safe place with their favorable temperature.