HealthSkin Care

Gorgeous Feet Matter

The Frugal Solution

Homemade beauty solutions are inexpensive, highly effective and lovingly luxurious. Going back to basics for your pampering needs is the wise choice these days and possibly the best kept secret. Especially with the rising popularity of a more economical and thrifty way of life. It makes perfect sense to dive into your refrigerator, or check cupboards before deciding to head out for a diluted lesser version of an organic concoction you can make all by yourself, and happily from the comfort of your own home. Something as simple and effective as mindinsole can also provide you the right feet and preserve them in good condition. 

One area homemade recipes work their magic is in the foot department. Store brand creams and specialty soaks can be quite expensive, and for the frugally independent beauty, not always the best alternative.

Feet that are painfully dry, calloused and unsightly are screaming out for dire need of healing. Soothing them can be accomplished by taking the time to set up a well-needed routine. After all, just like conditioners for our hair and moisturizer for our face, our feet need their own consideration and personal care.

To begin, why not set up a ready-to-use basin that holds all of your basic supplies? A sturdy basin that your tired aching feet will love, and if they didn’t hurt so much would jump up for joy at first sight of it. This basin should contain a nail file, toenail clipper, a clean hand towel, a box of Epsom salt or baking soda, a foot brush, a small bottle of emu or olive oil, a pumice stone and a pair of clean cotton socks. Add essential oils and turn up the experience to an aromatic, high-quality spa treatment.

Replenish supplies when necessary, and you’ll never have to waste time gathering your basics. These items plus your own special additions are the perfect ensemble for a daily foot soak. Find a designated space and voila, glorious foot baths at your whim!

Try these easy steps to begin.

  1. File and clip toenails as needed.
  2. Fill basin up to more than half with very warm water, or as hot as you can stand it, add Epsom salt or baking soda.
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil. Totally your call, so many to choose from and so many heavenly scents.
  4. Before placing feet in your foot bath, use foot brush to gently massage.
  5. Soak tired feet for about 20-30 minutes.
  6. Make sure to enjoy and relax 🙂 (you would be surprised at how many people need reminding)
  7. After soak, dry feet completely and gently.
  8. Use a pumice stone to properly work out rough patches. (The pumice works better after your feet have been soaking awhile.)
  9. Take a few minutes to rub preferred oil into feet.
  10. Put on those handy cotton socks and revel in the soothing glory.

The Magical Properties of Essential Oils

  • Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender, and Peppermint are popular essential oils often used in foot baths.
  • A soak combining 4 drops of lemongrass oil and 4 drops of lavender can alleviate excessive persperation of the feet.
  • To energize tired feet, try 2 drops of baby oil and 2 drops of ginger essential oil in a moderately hot soak.
  • A few drops of grapefruit essential oil is a cooling and refreshing treat known to stimulate the lymphatic system, soothe swollen feet and help to eliminate toxins from your system.
  • Ginger essential oil can rev up circulation and reduce overall fatigue and sore feet.

The Extras

  1. Proper Fit ~
    Always make sure you’re wearing shoes that fit properly. Feet have a tendency to swell later in the day and shoes that are too tight will lead to a walking disaster.
  2. Rotate ~
    Try to alternate shoes as much as possible. Rotating shoes will help avoid rubbing on the same spots that eventually cause blisters.
  3. Massage ~
    A tennis ball is an exceptionally nice treat for aching feet. Use a tennis ball to massage feet in a circular rotation starting at the center of the heel and gradually rolling onto sides, the ball of your foot, over each toe and then finally around the ankle. This type of massage eases tense muscles and relaxes the arch.

If you are thinking this is going to take too much time out of your busy day. Stop! You work hard, you deserve to have feet that feel incredible. Feet smooth to the touch and pain free. Feet that will gather ardent suitors that are willing to travel miles just to caress and admire them. O.k., perhaps I’m getting a little carried away, but you get the point. Your feet matter.


Long Worth Studio In Poulsbo, Washington - Spa Review

I drove through historic downtown Poulsbo, Washington, heading for the parking lot on the waterfront. I quickly found a spot, parked and got out. As I made my way toward Longworth Studio I couldn’t help but notice all the smiling faces surrounding me, taking in the beautiful views and salty aroma of Liberty Bay and the marina.

I walked through the double glass doors into a whole new world. The smell of nail polish was subtle and somehow very inviting. I was immediately greeted by the receptionist, Amy, who offered me a hot or cold beverage and a comfy chair while I waited. I had barely warmed my seat cushion when Christy, the tech with whom I had scheduled my appointment, greeted me and escorted me to her table where she immediately got to work on my nails. She removed my old polish, clipped my nails short, just the way I like them, and then filled and filed each nail by hand. I was very happy with the way my nails looked, and I was being treated like a queen. How much better could this possibly get?

As I sat in my (very comfortable) leather armchair, I was introduced one by one to each employee, and eventually, the owner, Kerry, who rose from her desk to shake my hand and introduce herself personally. I was very impressed by the way every person that came out of or went into Longworth Studio was treated like royalty.

All this experience that you get here is similar to other really good medicinal spas out there. Here at myethosspa Med Spa & Cosmetic Surgery, you get complete care of your skin and body with all the essential oils that are used in this process making it relaxing for everyone.

I had plans to attend a wedding in June and decided to get a pedicure and an eyebrow wax before the big day. As usual, I was not let down. Christy greeted me and promptly seated me in a relaxing massage chair and then began filling the soaking tub at my feet. I sank into my seat and let the heavenly scent of foot soak fill the air. I was scrubbed, massaged, and moisturized from the middle of my calves to the tips of my toes. Before the little piggies got polished, Christy wrapped my feet in warm towels to exfoliate while she finished my pampering session.

Once my polish was dry and my feet were unwrapped I was off to see Rhonda for my brow wax. This would be my very first wax so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I had seen many of my friends go through the procedure and could never figure out why they would do something that looked so horrendously painful, yet here I was. Rhonda walked with me to the “facial room” and asked me to lie down on the table. I told her that this was my first time and she reassured me that I was in good hands. She carefully applied the hot wax, one eyebrow at a time, all the while talking to me in a calm voice about random nothingness to keep my mind off of what was actually about to happen, which turned out to be not so bad after all. It stung a little at first, and there was some redness, but it only lasted a few hours and once it cleared up, my eyebrows looked amazing! My eyes were brighter and more open, and my brows were perfectly shaped around them.

I have been a happy client of Longworth Studio for almost a year now, with various appointments scheduled every two weeks or so. I have recommended many of my friends and coworkers to Longworth Studio, as well as random strangers I meet on the street.

Longworth Studio is a hidden treasure on Poulsbo’s Waterfront, nestled amongst antique shops, cafes and restaurants, and a world-famous bakery. Services offered include manicures and pedicures, a full-service nail salon, spray tanning, specialized skincare and procedures by a licensed skincare professional, waxing, eyelash/brow tinting, and a wonderful selection of skincare products and cosmetics.

BusinessGuideInternet And Businesses OnlineMarketingSocial Media

How Young People Can Build a Business Through Myspace Or Facebook

Watch out, forty-somethings. The new generation of business builders has come across a new marketing tool, and they’ve found it in the likes of social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. If you’re a young person looking to market a new idea, product, or service and want to get the word out, you can use these tools to make contacts that will not only draw attention to your business’s Web site, but will also bring in “residual” contacts. Read below for tips on how to get started.

First, make sure that your MySpace or Facebook business page mirrors your business Web site’s themes. Of course, you can’t actually conduct business on your social networking page, so make your blog a representation of your company, rather than a selling source. Create a logo, motto, and color scheme that can be used for both your real Web site and your MySpace/Facebook business page(s) so that visitors can learn to recognize your brand. This will further legitimize your online presence, which is crucial for the survival of any online business.

Next, don’t be afraid to go modern with your MySpace or Facebook page, even if it does represent a serious business for you. While you should be aware of what pictures, comments, and phrases are completely inappropriate and have no place on your business blog, you can play with colors and backgrounds just a bit. It doesn’t have to be plain and boring. Make your page fun to visit. Add a song and a video clip to liven things up and keep visitors coming back. While you may sign up solely for the purpose of business networking, you have to give others a reason to actually want you on their friends list. Most MySpace and Facebook users are younger (in their twenties and thirties), so appeal to their tastes and interests in order to create a loyal following.

Next, start building your friends list and get your name out there on every single profile possible. Never assume that anyone will just find your business blog on their own. Make a high number of targeted friend requests every day and only make those requests, at first, to those who will add to the professionalism of your blog and will introduce you to other potential customers/readers. In other words, if you are selling ebooks on business finance, do a quick search for business women and men. After you have a good arsenal of targeted friends (at least 30), you can start building your list with reckless abandon. Be sure to visit your targeted friends’ pages for your referrals rather than randomly clicking profiles. Those are the individuals who will have common interests and backgrounds with your targeted friends, and who will be more likely to add you to their lists. Another tip to keep in mind is to only send friend requests to those who are online at the time. Many people will check a MySpace or Facebook page only once every few weeks, but still others are addicted and check every single day (often several times a day). Increase your chances of acceptance by targeting online users.

Next, follow up on accepted friend requests every single time. Each time you are accepted as a friend or that you accept a friend request, place a “thanks for the add” comment on your new friend’s profile page. Why? Because you aren’t likely to be at the top of any friend lists as a business blog, meaning you won’t be visible to visitors on your friends’ pages unless they just happen to check out the “all friends” link. If you leave a comment, however, all new visitors will see your name for quite some time on that profile. Keep it short and professional, and be sure to include your entire business name in the message.

Next, be a “real” friend. Don’t just leave one “thanks for the add” comment” and be done with it. Leave a real compliment or a greeting every once in a while (once a month per profile is more than enough). Comment on their blogs or updates to their pages. They will often return the favor. This, again, will further legitimize your online presence. When new visitors to your page see favorable comments about you, they will be more likely to trust you and your business.

Next, create a way to capture the email addresses of your MySpace or Facebook page visitors. Most social networking sites will allow you to copy code for a sign-up form of some sort into your page so that visitors to your blog can sign up for a newsletter, report, ebook, etc, that you are offering. Do be sure that you clearly state what the sign-up form is for and how often you will be contacting your readers. Otherwise, your send-outs can be reported as spam, which can mean the end of your business.

Finally, create search engine-friendly blogs and add their links to Google and other search engines. Write down a few keywords and phrases that your potential customers or readers might type into a search box, and create informational blogs for them. Be sure to add your business name and Web site at the bottom of each blog.

The most important aspect of using social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook for creating a new business is being able to relate to other users (which is what makes this marketing technique work so well for younger entrepreneurs). You absolutely must give visitors something to come back for. Keep your profile updated, make changes every so often, and be willing to put in the hard work that it takes to make contacts one-by-one. It takes a little time, but with a bit of patience you may find that social networking sites are the future of low-cost marketing for this generation. Likewise Facebook, the account can be created on the Instagram. The person can buy instagram views at reasonable rates for providing the fame to the account.


Banaue, Ifugao, the Philippines - Rice Terraces, Hiking, Culture

The Banaue rice terraces are sometimes called the eighth wonder of the world. Miles and miles of multi-level rice terraces stretch up and down mountains. They were man-made over 2000 years ago to cultivate rice harnessing efficient engineering techniques on the mountains. The effort take to build these was tremendous, and you can really appreciate it with a good hike.

To get to Banaue from Manila, you can take a night bus run by either Florida or Autobus bus companies. The buses run for ten hours overnight: bring a blanket and earphones to help you sleep. When you awake in Banaue in the morning, you’re greeted by guides, jeep buses and motorcycles with sidecars. They want to take you into town and pay them to guide you around. You need a guide to go hiking. The town is about a half kilometer from the bus depot, so you can choose to walk or ride to town. The Greenview and Las Vegas are reasonably clean and modest accommodations if you want to sleep in town. Tourist information is an easy to locate booth if you haven’t found a guide yet.

The actual sites to see are too far to reach by walking; you need a motorcycle with a side car (holds two or three people in a cramped position) or a jeep bus (more expensive). Three of the most interesting sites are the viewpoint, the waterfall, and the hot springs. The viewpoint involved riding for an hour up the mountain, stopping at a couple picturesque sites for photography and pure awe. The gift shops offer some fairly interesting souvenirs, as proud roosters stalk the area. The tour may cost about 1600 pesos for the guide and ride. More strenuous and rewarding is the waterfall hike. You ride for one and a half hours, and then hike a couple more through the mountains, along the walls of the rice terraces, by villagers’ houses in the woods to arrive at a beautiful waterfall rushing into a reservoir. Locals swim year-round, so bring a swimsuit. It’s also a gorgeous stop to eat your lunch. This trip cost my companion and I 600 pesos each. Our third trip was easy and beautiful, an easy 40-minute hike among houses and along the walls that separate the individual rice terraces. We finished at a fairly large hot spring, about the size of a 20-person hot tub, full of local kids bathing. The water was about 90 degrees Celsius, so we relaxed there. The hike back inspired me to take half of the total photographs I took on the trip. This day cost us 700 pesos each.

Banaue offers interesting some other interesting options. If you care to, inquire in town about spending the night at an inn in the mountain and wake up to the sunrise and roosters in the morning. If a human guide isn’t your style, you can have a trained canine guide you through the trails and terraces (I would not recommend hiking without a guide, as the paths are innumerable). In town, the Greenview Inn offers a beautiful view at a reasonable cost, and its restaurant serves mouth-watering menudo. Las Vegas restaurant also has great meals at a decent price, and sometimes you can hear live guitar music at night. The town bars are interesting at night; just follow the sound of music to find live performers or ‘traditional’ videoke over a San Miguel beer. Take a trip to Banaue for great hikes, gorgeous vistas, and small-town Philippine hospitality. It’s kind of amazing. Discover the types of incentive travel before the selection of the company. A comparison can be made in the services with the fees of the companies. The services should meet with the needs of the person. 


The Lies Of The Corn Syrup Industry To The Customers! Read To Know

Sure, it’s been around for a while, and we’ve been eating eat it in vast quantities without really understanding this strange substance we’re putting into our bodies. But now, finally, we’re starting to realize that there’s something wrong with this picture.

These days more and more Americans are reading ingredients labels and placing things back on the shelf when those four taboo words come up (often as the first, second, or third ingredient listed). More and more of us are willing to shell out a few extra dollars for products using cane sugar or honey as a sweetener, and more and more food manufacturers are making the switch that enables us to do this.

How has the corn syrup industry responded? By launching a pro-corn syrup TV campaign, of course! I recently saw one such ad involving a couple of fictional moms (by the way, has anyone else noticed that moms, apparently, are the only people who ever buy food or are interested in making health-conscious decisions about it?) discussing their choices of purchased sweet beverages.

It goes like this: Mom #1 is aghast that Mom #2 has purchased a corn syrup-sweetened beverage. “You know what they say about corn syrup!” she cries. Mom #2 asks her what, exactly, they do say about corn syrup, and of course, Mom #1 doesn’t have an answer (since no one who has a problem with corn syrup can possibly be thinking for themself). When Mom #1 is unable to supply word one about the health risks of corn syrup, Mom #2 sassily informs her that corn syrup is “like sugar” and “fine in moderation.”

Pardon me if I’m a wee bit skeptical.

Okay, Mom #2, here’s what “they” are saying about corn syrup: they’re saying it’s got the highest glycemic index of anything we eat, meaning it’s the worst possible food for diabetics, pre-diabetics, and heck, pretty much anyone who doesn’t want to become a diabetic. They’re saying human bodies basically don’t know what to do with this “food,” and that quite likely, high fructose corn syrup is single handedly playing an enormous role in the US obesity epidemic.

So how ’bout all that “moderation” stuff? Well, you don’t have to consult any all-powerful “they” to discover that corn syrup can be found on just about every shelf in the supermarket. It’s the ingredient of choice for all things sweet, be they drinks, candies or baked goods that comes under podiatry billing because of some taxes and surcharges that is certainly high; but it has benefit of additional discount and schemes which are offered by the sellers. It’s in fruit juice. It’s dyed brown, mixed with artificial flavors and poured into bottles labeled “maple syrup.”

But hey, sweets should be consumed in moderation anyway, so we’re fine, right?

Wrong. Keep reading the labels, and you’ll see that corn syrup is in everything. It’s in the ketchup and tomato sauce. It’s in the whole wheat bread. It’s in the frozen teriyaki chicken with the “heart healthy” label on the package. It’s in breakfast cereals, granola bars, instant oatmeal, dried fruit, salad dressing, peanut butter, and pretty much anywhere else it can be.

I’m sorry, Mom #2, but that doesn’t sound like a very good setup for “moderation” to me.


Online Translator- What Is The Best Online Translator Application You Should Use?

Numerous kinds of translator applications are there over the internet. If you are confused about selecting the best one, then this might be a suitable article for you. There are many things to be taken care of in order to find the best one. The online translator is the advance form of a translator which can be used without a device. There is no need to buy an external device for the conversion because your phone is sufficient for the process. Moreover, muama enence is the one popular in terms of a translator because of the quality and the service it provides to its customers. In today’s time, people prefer their phones to convert any sentence or language into the desired one. It is the best inconvenience because you can use it anytime and anywhere. It is not essential to have an internet connection for converting the language or any kind of sentence.

If you love to travel, this service is specially designed for you. It is capable of converting any of the languages spoken on the planet without any issue. You will definitely get to have desired results with full satisfaction.

What are the different translators you should consider?

If you want to know about the best translator, then you need to stay focused on those who are going to discuss now-

  1. A translator by Google- It is the most used application by the people world-wide. It can be downloaded right on the device. You do not need to pay a single penny for the application, as it can be downloaded easily from the internet. It is the best online translator you can get for your device because it has the ability to convert any kind of vocabulary spoken. All the technical terms can be converted with the help of the application right on your device. Most of the big business men use the application because of its reputation. The app can be operated very easily as there is nothing to be complicated about. You just need to stay focused on the language and speaking rest everything will be done smoothly.
  2. Deep translator- This application is not as powerful as compared to the Google one because it has some limitation. You cannot convert all the language with the help of the application and which is the negative point. Every sentence spoken in the world should be converted that is considered as the best translator.

These are the example of the two most used translators in the world. By reading the above description, you would come to know about the best choice you can make. This would not only help you to get the best one, but also you can get to learn various things about the translator and its services. If you are still confused, then Google one would be the best option for you, which will be going to provide you the excellent service, and thus it will be going to make your work easy.

Bottom lines about a translator that should be discussed

Most of the people use a translator in their life, and if you are new to it, then this article would be going to be very helpful for you. Most of the people face issues in the selection of the translator, but you would not.


Connected Generation: Short Story About Teenagers, WiFi And Friendship

Take me somewhere there is Wifi, my 13 year old gripped. “There’s nothing to do here.” We were spending the weekend away from the city at our property in the hills. “I’m so bored!” she added just in case somehow her initial proclamation was missed. “What am I supposed to be doing?” I exhaled and grinned at her, trying not to crack a smile even though I couldn’t help but feel the corners of my mouth start to rise. One of the reasons we come here is to get away from computers, television, cell phones and yes, the internet too. Her expression was of complete terror.

Can’t really blame her. She’s of the Online Generation, growing up in a connected world where a connection to the internet is always there. Immediate access to video chatting with her friends, watching videos and downloading music, just as familiar to her as getting in a car and going for a drive was for me at her age. Now that was gone and it was all my fault. I brought her here after all to get away. With a tossing of her hair she slammed the door and was gone.

I couldn’t help but be happy, I had succeeded in getting her to go outside and find something to do! Mission accomplished. It didn’t take more than a few moments for the guilt to start setting in. Why exactly was I doing this anyways and what was the point in forcibly unplugging her from the world she had always known? Turns out, I did the right thing.

Up the driveway she wandered, turned the corner and was out of sight. Without her cell phone to call on, without her laptop to surf the web with, she was truly on her own. Who would have thought that only three short houses away, an almost identical situation was unfolding with another teenager, who also had a case of the No-Internet blues. She didn’t even see him on the tree swing, since her grumpy face was staring down at her Converse shoes. Not until she was almost past his house did he call out to her and jolt her from her solitude. “Sup?”

I wasn’t hearing things, the goofy laughter in the distance was in fact real. I trotted down the street and found them. They were taking turns twisting each other on the swing and watching how fast they would spin and unwind. “Daddy, try this, it’s so fun!” she screamed to me once I was in view. I declined, watching them was enough to almost make me nauseous. The situation was like a phone or any device that uses best wifi extender, everything is so fast!

Remember, next time you want to make a new friend, forget the online dating services or friend finding social networks. Try turning off your cell phone and computer and take a walk. You never know who you will meet. As I walked away I heard them exchanging Facebook usernames to be able to chat online. Oh well.


Is X-box the Future of Microsoft?

Microsoft is still a household name. Bill Gates is obviously well known. Windows is still the most famous operating system for PCs. X-box 360 has become a leading name in the fast-growing video game market. Somehow, though, Microsoft doesn’t seem as dominant as it used to be. In fact, I would argue that Microsoft is becoming almost totally reliant on Bill’s last major foray for Microsoft, the X-box.

Fifteen years ago, when I was in high school, Microsoft was the tech industry’s master. Windows was still innovative and Windows 95 was about to change how personal computing was seen and done. Be it the operating system or the games like Minecraft shaders with minecraft seeds, Windows was really the only dominant force in this industry. But this wasn’t going to remain the case. Over time, we witnessed the evolution of Apple in terms of operating system and Playstation in terms of gaming. 

I still remember when my high school chemistry teacher began telling me about Linux. Still, to this day, I believe the Linux craze was just that, bordering on insane. But the cracks were beginning to show in Microsoft’s armor. Within a few years, PDAs became popular. Microsoft was there though and produced some of the first personal tablets. Unfortunately for Microsoft, it was a business-only field. Doctors and lawyers carried them, and Palm went away quietly. But the laypeople didn’t, quite literally, pick up on the idea.

Smartphones quickly began running the handheld computing field. Once again, Microsoft was late to the table. They did show up, but by allowing other companies to dominate the playing field, Microsoft lost out on its chance to dominate another market. BlackBerry first ruled the roost and was then beaten out by Apple. Now, Google’s Android is considered the major force in handheld computing powerhouses.

Now, Apple has been resurgent in home computers, whether it is desktops, laptops, or the “magical” iPad. Google has become the search engine of choice, a major name in free web-based email and document support, and is also taking a leading place in the tablet industry and cell phone market.

S o where does this leave Microsoft? Steve Ballmer talks about the wonder of Microsoft Kinect for the X-box 360. It is an exciting story, to be sure. X-box performed excellently during the last quarter of 2010, outperforming its rivals. But, in the computer industry where Microsoft became a household name, there really is little to brag about. Windows phones have not taken off like hoped for. Yes, the occasional show highlight is there, but check any tech site and you will see the excitement building for iOS 4.3 or a new Droid phone but little mention of Windows-based phones. The tablet industry was expecting major news of a Windows 7 tablet, but instead got a wait and see the response on the possibility of a “powerful Windows 8 tablet.” Home-based computing systems have cooled significantly. Most shockingly, to me, was the realization that Microsoft was recently bypassed by Apple altogether as the second-largest company in the world.

What we wind up with is the case of an industry giant that has over the years sat on its laurels, copied other models, improved upon them, and then dominated. Unfortunately, the world of technology has begun to change so quickly that sitting and waiting may not be the answer anymore. Microsoft needs its own “magical and revolutionary” device if it doesn’t want to be completely passed by. The hare is sleeping at the wheel and a WHOLE lot of turtles have zoomed ahead.


Get the Facts About the Fit Flops Shoe Fitness Craze

Most of these sandals look just like flip flops except they have a really thick sole and they are not completely flat like flip flops. They do come in a wide variety of colors and a few different styles, they cost quite a bit more than flip flops, they are usually between $38.00 and $60.00 or more depending on the retailer and style and there seems to be a lot of controversy about some of the claims these new fashion icons are making. The makers of fit flops claim that these shoes will improve the look of and tone the muscles in your legs as well as the overall appearance of your backside, they are also claiming that these fit flops can help relieve back pain, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, heel spurs, bunions and more. In addition to all that, some say they can even improve your posture and balance. There are claims that these shoes are so comfortable that they make you want to walk more and be more active which in turn causes the firmer legs and butt and aids in weight loss. With their Mindsole shoe inserts, you get a seamless experience with your shoes and their fittings. If you want to read how millions of other people’s experience you can read Mindinsole reviews that will provide you with all the relevant information. 

Fans of the fit flops claim that these shoes are just so incredibly comfortable you want to walk more and feel better doing it with less pain. Could it be that just walking more is what is creating the firmer legs and butt and aiding in the weight loss? Everyone knows that walking is great exercise, burns calories and releases good endorphins to the brain so why is this shoe getting all the credit?

While most people who have bought these fit flop shoes do seem to like them there are some that feel they are not as great as they claim to be. The thing in the middle is thick and stiff or hard, which is uncomfortable and hard to get used to, probably causes blisters between the toes and them to claim that they are harder to walk in because they resemble a wobble board and fit flops are especially hard to walk in on grass or uneven surfaces. Some people have even claimed that fit flops hurt the tops of their feet when they walked in them and most people agree that when you buy your very first pair you should break them in by wearing them for 30 minutes to an hour a day for the first few days until you get used to them.

According to the article posted at Web MD: The Fit Flop Craze: Fashion or Fitness, the experts are saying if you find the shoe comfortable and you like them go ahead and use them, but don’t overuse them and if you have flat feet they may actually cause pain in your calves. They said the intentions are good but these shoes are not all they are cracked up to be.

Basically what it all boils down to is no shoe can magically reshape your body, if you really want to lose weight, have firmer legs and a better butt, then you have to eat right and exercise. Most of the people who bought these shoes wanted to see if they would work so they did walk more and the results they got, if any, were from walking more and not necessarily the shoes.

GuideInvestReal Estate

Why Is Leedon Green Condo One Of The Most Talked-About Realty Projects?

Talk about the latest residential projects in Singapore and Leedon Green Condo comes up in full glory. It’s a plush residential project featuring 7 blocks (12-sytoreyed) residential flats with 638 units, parking lot, pools as well as communal facilities. The project is a collaborative development between Yanlord Land and MCL Land and is located at the very bustling District 10. Spreading across a sprawling area of around 320,000 sq. ft., Leedon Green is surrounded by almost all major amenities.

The post below offers a sneak-peek into Leedon Green Condo.

Strategic location

One of the main aspects of checking out Leedon Green Condo is its strategic location. The property is built on the traditionally prestigious location of Holland/Farrer Road. It’s close to commercial spaces related to engineering and science. You also have One-North, the famous finance district, nearby. Besides, there is Central Business District around which is a frequented business and research park. Book your Private Tour to Leedon Green Residences to get the hang of the place.

Amazing connectivity

Another factor that offers a great leverage to any residential project is ease of connectivity. The good part is Leedon Green also promises solid connectivity and hence worth a try. If you are a bus person, there are several bus stops in the close vicinity of Leedon Green. Then, if you wish to travel by MRT, there are 4 such stations around. The nearest one is Farrer Road Station and it’s a 10-minutes walk from the property. The other three are DTL, CL and EWL. You can walk up to these stations or else you will get a bus. Otherwise, if you love to drive mostly, there are two smart expressways, namely, PIE (Pan Island Expressway) and Aye (Ayer Rajah Expressway).

Surrounded by several amenities

This point is surely a continuation of the previous point.

If you have kids you will be glad to know the property is close to some of the topmost schools of the country, including- Raffles Girls Primary School, Hwa Chong Institution, Nanyang School and so on. All the schools are like 1-2 km away from Leedon Green.

In regards to healthcare, you have the very famous 24/7 clinic Concord International Hospital around which is just a 4-minutes drive from the property. Other hospitals nearby are Singapore General Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Apart from these, Leedon Green Condo is also surrounded by various supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants, diners and entertainment centers.

Very resortish and upscale feel

The condominium will leave you in awe with its opulent resortish feel. The developers have been extremely particular in using only the most premium materials for both exterior and interior design. The property impresses with marble and stone finishes in Mater Bathroom, thanks to iconic brands like Hansgrohe, Axor and so on. Kitchens will come well-furnished with premium German-made Liebherr refrigerators, wine fridge and dish-washer units. To complement its opulence lifestyle, Leedon Green will support all residents with professional on-call concierge facility. The property also boasts Sky Terrace bar, Tree Top Walk, themed pavilions, Family Cabana and so on. Basically, Leedon Green promises something for every taste. If you are thinking of lavish lifestyle, this is the place to be.

Leedon Green also promises you a smart, secured and safe living with state-of-the-art biometric digital locks and surveillance cameras for every home.